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First steps in the event of a care case • 08.04.2024
In der häuslichen Pflege sind es oft die alltäglichen Dinge, die zur Herausforderung werden: Der …
If you are caring for someone in need of care, you and the person in need of care are legally entitled to counselling from the care insurance fund. This counselling is important in order to receive the best possible support. Here we explain how you can make effective use of this right.
First of all, you should know that people in need of care, as well as family carers and voluntary carers, are entitled to comprehensive advice from the long-term care insurance fund. This advice is crucial to understanding what benefits are available and how care needs are officially assessed.
Advice from the long-term care insurance fund should ideally take place before you apply for long-term care benefits. Contact your care insurance fund and make an appointment for a consultation. Be prepared to have all the necessary information about the person in need of care ready.
A central aspect of counselling is understanding the care degree classification. The care level determines how much and what type of support the person in need of care can receive. There are 5 care levels that reflect the degree of independence and the need for support.
The need for care is determined by an assessment by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance Fund (MDK) or another independent assessment centre (Medicproof for private insurance companies). Prepare for this appointment by documenting daily challenges and support needs. The more accurate this information is, the more appropriately the care level can be determined.
In addition to the care insurance fund, there are also other counselling services, such as care support centres, social services or self-help groups. These can provide additional information and support.
Although taking advantage of care counselling is voluntary, we strongly recommend that you make use of this service, as it can make a huge difference to the quality and scope of care services. Inform yourself, prepare yourself and utilise all available resources to provide the best possible support for the person in need of care and to relieve the burden on you.